"Don't they have any funny cards here? I mean actually funny, not ha-ha the polar bear farted funny."

Three Replies to Overheard While Shopping for Birthday Cards

Jackie Mason | November 27, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | November 28, 2008
That's not funny at all! I'm pretty sure that I read in a magazine that W said that the main cause of global warming is polar bear farts...

Scott Hardie | November 28, 2008
I wonder how he reconciles that with intelligent design.

Jackie, we probably did discuss it. You collect good stationery (I look forward to your cards every year). Most greeting cards are just really, really awful, like they're a fallback career for people fired from the writing staff of Two and a Half Men for not being funny enough. They insult my intelligence. This sentence tickled me.

Logical Operator

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Det är inte så farligt

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