Hi, all!

This will be the second blog I've authored and the fourth blog with which I've been involved as an author, and I still haven't really worked out just what to say in these introductory posts. As most of you know, though, I'm wordy enough once I get rolling that content shouldn't be a problem. Expect much ranting, idle musing, and occasional really awful jokes.

Also, since this is a goo-related site, I'm running a modest game with my post titles, which will follow some sort of rule or other. If someone guesses the rule, I'll credit them, and a new series of post titles with a different rule will start up, with the first of the series always marked by a star (*). The title of the blog should give you an idea of what sorts of themes or rules I like to come up with.

Yet, For Some Reason, a Journal Doesn't Seem Public Enough
Hipster boy #1: I've decided to start a blog.
Hipster boy #2: It's about time!
Hipster boy #1: I know. And I'm not doing it because of the peer pressure. It's just for me.
--Bowery Ballroom, Delancey St.
via Overheard in New York,

Berserk Wig

Legend has it that Kris Weberg's head is filled with delicious candy, which is why he avoids blindfolded children carrying sticks. Fortunately for you, he's decided to empty the leftovers here at his blog for your amusement and bemusement. Read more »

* 'Round Midnight

First things first: Megan Baxter wins round 1 of the "guess the subject line themes" game. Go Megan! I'll keep a running tally of wins. Go »

Cardinal Sins of the Blogosphere

Hey, is this thing on? I realize that blogging is meant to give everyone a picture of the blogger's ongoing life, but to be frank, I haven't really had one of those in awhile. Between exams reading, doing minor administrative work for a department working group, working up a course proposal for Fall '08, and complaining about much of the above I haven't gotten so much done. Go »

Nominal Returns on Unfulfilled Promises

Well, I obviously never got around to any poetry over the last week, due to too much reading and not enough sleeping. And to make up for that, here's some fun for everyone. Go »

Like, Real Gone, Daddy-O

I've been fairly busy for the last several days, going through writing-tutor training for Fall, reading for exams, and using Go »

Collaborative Theatre with Irrational Actors

At a certain point, I guess everyone realizes that it's no use arguing with someone who's coming from virtually a different planet in terms of assumptions and opinions. And at a certain other point, some people realize that they cannot stop despite the uselessness of going on. While that sort of argument only very rarely happens to me here at TC, it certainly happens to me elsewhere, where I use various Zaba-proof psuedonyms to conduct my arguments about subjects ranging from the pointless to the inane. Go »

Don't Leave Me Hangin' on the Telephone

"Goodbye" is, increasingly, the midpoint of every conversation I have online or on wireless. Every phone call with a friend or relative seems to turn into one of Eliot's winding streets, though usually neither tedious nor insidious. I thought this might help, but it's painfully generic advice: There are several ways that you can end a long phone call without making up a story or sounding rude: Leave the conversation open. Go »