I don't know if people realize this, but I do talk, and I do have a sense of humor of a sort... it's just that it's only with Darrell and Darrin that these things come out! It seems my frame of reference for the world is quite a bit different than most people's. I think the live goo game illustrates this rather nicely. Not once but twice, the first "celebrity" to jump to my mind was Bruce Boxleitner.. someone most people probably have not heard of. This was for the Tron question (because I could not remember the name Jeff Bridges) and the Scarecrow question. In the Irish section of the goo game, the top Irishmen I could think of were Dylan Moran and Aidan Gillen.... granted I probably could not come up with even these names on the spot. The Irish accent is so cute though. That's my new favorite accent. I think also in the Irish section someone mentioned something about the size of Bono's house?? This would have been a prime opportunity for me to say, "He has the world's largest collection of hatchbacks" but I did not, because nobody would know wtf I was on about. :P Anyway... the trip was kind of an experiment in whether or not the Prozac can induce me to act like a regular human being. The answer being... not really. But because of the Prozac I will just skip blithely on not caring what a weirdo I am.

edited to remove someone who is not even irish hehe

Nine Replies to Stuff you may not realize about me :)

Kelly Lee | October 19, 2010
You aren't a weirdo!

Steve West | October 19, 2010
You're definitely different than most of the knuckleheads I hang out with but weirdo is a bit much. And you ate the alligator! How cool was that? Just as well you didn't try the conch fritters as they were a bit fishy.

Denise Sawicki | October 19, 2010
The alligator was fine. I guess it is something to do just so you can say you did :). I am sure the conch fritters wouldn't have killed me or anything but I figured I should let someone have them who really had a craving for them. I maybe should have ordered grouper with you guys. According to my research, it is a fish that people who don't like fish, like. But my popcorn shrimp were delicious and I can't seem to resist being a *little* bit economical, if I can get a giant pile of popcorn shrimp for the same price as 6 large shrimp then why not? haha

Scott Hardie | October 20, 2010
Denise, you mentioned feeling a cold coming on when you left. Did that happen? Mine set in last night, and I've been asleep for most of the last 30 hours. I'm still nursing a fever.

Denise Sawicki | October 20, 2010
Well it was pretty nasty on the plane when I left and my ears were plugged up the rest of the day (and I slept a lot) but it has been a lot better since. Still a mildly stuffy nose and my hearing is a bit weird. Perhaps this is too much information ;)

Matthew Preston | October 20, 2010
Yikes! Feel better all.

Jackie Mason | October 27, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | October 27, 2010
I myself am tip top. Should I feel bad about that? But I didn't go in the pool. The plot thickens.

Erik Bates | October 28, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

door to door salesperson

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Gross jelly beans

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Sewing Project?

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