No, really. I was cleanign my fish tank. It has a bad bacteria bloom, probably because I feed the fish too much to be honest. Well ,I was replacing the substrate, which is to say the rock s at the bottom. Anyhow, you have to rinse the pebbles out before you put them in the tank, and so I did. Unfortunately, the strainer I was using had too big holes, and some of the pebbles went down the sink hole into the disposal, and now it's busted. I mean it 100% does not work. My wife will kill me when she gets home. How do I spend my last minutes on theis planet, you ask? Drinking Firefly sweet tea vodka. Yes, that's right! it's vodka, but it tatses like sweet tea, it is super yummy!! I drink a lot of it today. Why not? How much more pissed off can she get when she getes home? That's right! I'm always thinking, even when my thkning i impaiired by sweet tea vodjka.

Seriously, if you like sweet tea AND you like vodka, you might as well try it. Don't try it if you only like on e of tyhe two, though, because it still have a vodka taste, even thoguh it is yummy!! I do think it is yummy.

Song the the f_ing Gators!!!! Why do they always win? Tebow has throwen an interception AND fumbled, but the Gator Nation will still say he is Jesus reborn. F_ing Gator Nation. Not you, Amy, if you read this. Unl;ess you are Tebow crazy, then yeah, you too. Sorry. :9 What? Song of the day is "Room With A View" by Death Angel. Has this been the SOTD befoer>? I don;'t remember. It is a good song. Someone once asked what my theme song would be if I could have a theme song. The pwerson who aksed said his theme somg was the song from the newer James Bond movie (it was Casino Royale, and I don't know what thwe name of the song is, but it is sung by the dude from Soundgarden. You canlook it up. But my them,e song woud be Room With A View, and I told him that/ It is a song about a guy in a sanitarium, who looks out the window on the world around him, that he can see but is not able to fully interact with. It is beautiful. When Death Angel; released the video, they relased it as by D.A., because they did not weant people to prejudge the song based on it being by a band called Death Angel. It is a slow song, but it is nice!

And so he sits and some may wonder
About the sly grin on his face
but little do they know (they don't have a clue)
the boundaries of his wisdom
in the solitude of his kingdom

I hope I don't get in trouble for this. I know not veeryone approves of drinking, but I do. Crap! My wife is homr. Time to face the music. Love you all! Come to my funeral!! I'll be putting thr fun back in funeral, and you can take that to the bank!!!

Eight Replies to Today or What? I'm Drunk!

Justin Conner | September 20, 2009
Drunk Blogging is interesting ^^

Tony Peters | September 20, 2009
I have a headcold and I'm drinking Lemoncello and I actually understand most of what he was saying

Steve West | September 20, 2009
Please tell me the fish didn't do an Oaxaca worm interpretation.

Amy Austin | September 20, 2009
Avoid the green ones. They're not ripe yet.

Lori Lancaster | September 21, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | September 21, 2009
Can I nominate this post to be recited during Bloggers Beware?

Denise Sawicki | September 21, 2009
I should find this drink and get Darrell some for Christmas or something. He's got a thing for tea lately.

Jackie Mason | September 22, 2009
[hidden by author request]


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

11-V-2008 or Oh, You Won't Like This...

Random filler is entered here, such that you won't see what is to come on the front page. Not that it would be so bad if you did, but I want people who read this to read this purposely, not accidentally because it was on the front page. If you read a posting called "Oh, You Won't Like This...", Go »

22-VIII-2006 or PC Load Letter?! What the #@$% does that mean?!

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14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??

Ha! I just saw the funniest thing, but I shouldn't make mention of it, since it involves images of me online on Youtube cursing and being a total dick. It's real funny, but of course, if I speak of it, or name the event, then everyone will see me being a weirdo, and they might think that's really how I roll. Go »

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5-XI-2008 or Mentiroso!

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19/20-II-2009 or Guilty Pleasures

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