Her: "What's that CD you're holding?"
Me: "Chili Peppers. I still haven't gotten over their album from last summer."
Her: "Haha. Sorry, when I hear of bands like that, I think, They're still around?"

Five Replies to Not Exactly Red Hot

Scott Hardie | July 4, 2007
For the record, I like the person who said this and it's no big deal, but jeez.

Anna Gregoline | July 4, 2007
My response might have been, "My, aren't you so over everything!"

Blah. Although I haven't seen those guys lately - they must be getting wrinkly, right? =)

Jackie Mason | July 5, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | July 5, 2007
Even I'm starting to like some of the songs off their newest album...but you didn't hear that from me! ;)

Kris Weberg | July 16, 2007
Is it just me, or is the latest hipster trend all about hating on 90s music?

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

And If You're Not Careful, You Might Learn Something

Ten things I learned from watching the entire run of The Cosby Show over the last few months on Netflix streaming: - Cliff wasn't the only one who wore wild sweaters. - Seinfeld was celebrated as the "show about nothing," but this show had even less plot. Entire episodes just riffed for twenty minutes on Vanessa fretting over a test or Theo having a crush on a girl, nothing more. Go »

Scott's Pet Peeve #8446

Not all mobile phones mix a qwerty keypad with their main numerical keypad, but I have an old Blackberry that does. That makes me especially frustrated by companies that only provide a letter-based phone number without showing a numerical alternative (800-LIKE-THIS). I just went to cancel Nutrisystem, and of course they require you to call a counselor rather than just cancel online, and the only number they give is 888-459-THIN. Go »


When I saw this poster at the movie theater, I wondered: Is that a coming attraction, or did I step into a mirror universe where that poster has nothing to do with a movie? Go »

Downtown A-Town

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Flow Charts

Meet the marriage of rap music and Microsoft Office: (link) Why do I have the feeling Herbert Kornfeld made some of these? Thanks, Marlon. Go »

Can't Blog Now...

....Must play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion! I finally understand why they called that earlier game "EverCrack." Go »