Round XV
Matthew Preston won this round on February 13, 2002. There were 22 goos.
Players this round: Aaron Fischer (19 goos solved), Matthew Preston (19 goos solved), Denise Sawicki (17 goos solved), Kelly Stokes (16 goos solved), Mike Eberhart (16 goos solved), Jeff Flom (15 goos solved), Anna Gregoline (14 goos solved), Brannan Conrad (10 goos solved), Amir H. Sufyani (9 goos solved), Dan Donovan (9 goos solved), K. R. (8 goos solved), Kelly Lee (8 goos solved), Christine Marie Doiron (7 goos solved), David Mitzman (7 goos solved), Edward Tegge (7 goos solved), Lori Lancaster (5 goos solved), Gabriel Moran (2 goos solved), Patrick Stueck (2 goos solved), and Greg Webster (1 goo solved).

Abraham Lincoln
America counted on its greatest president in its greatest conflict. Honest. Go »
Oprah Winfrey
The highest-paid TV personality ever now has her own magazine, called O. Go »
Ewan McGregor
A Jedi knight, a Bohemian playwright, and a heroin addict all have this Scottish actor in common. Go »
Timothy McVeigh
Not all terrorists are foreign, but since June 11th, there's been one less on American soil. Go »
Jimi Hendrix
This lover of foxey ladies was a little too experienced when he overdosed in a purple haze. Go »
Stephen Hawking
A brief history of his life would mention ALS. Who's the king? Go »
Kate Winslet
Holy smoke! I think this 'fat cow' sank the Titanic! Go »
Size apparently does matter when you're taller than Tokyo skyscrapers. Go »
Joe Jackson
He was a controversial player, but not for swinging Black Betsy without wearing proper footwear. Go »
Ansel Adams
This conservationist would prefer to spend time in Yosemite to an AA meeting. Go »
Hugh Jackman
Eddie Alden and Stanley Jobson are nothing beside a short freak named Logan. Go »
Winona LaDuke
She ultimately failed to make Cheney and Lieberman green with envy. Go »
Michael Chabon
The amazing adventures of this wonder boy are no mystery of Pittsburgh. Go »
Paul Tracy
This Canadian driver is Kool under pressure. Go »
Stuart Murdoch
If you're feeling sinister, go listen to some songs by this former boxer turned lead singer. Go »
Harold Edgerton
This Alley-dwelling Doc was the true inventor of bullet time. Go »
H.R. Giger
The darkest seed in this artist's mind came from an alien species. Go »
Alan Turing
Wklv fubswdqdobvw gursshg wkh Erpeh rq Hqljpd. Go »
Sadoozai Panah
This Afghan V.I.P. is a real doozy. Go »
Lee Miglin
Death came by hacksaw to this Lexus-owning Chicago landlord. Go »
This baby alone ain't no Eartha Kitt. Go »