L. Ron Hubbard
publication date: Monday, January 13, 2003 (part of Round XVIII)
category: Religion
clue: What is the meaning of the goo game? Page 266.
explanation: Hubbard's book Dianetics was the guide to the Church of Scientology, which he founded. The clue spoofs the famous commercials for that book, which ask in white letters on a plain black screen such questions as, "What is the meaning of life? Page 44." and "How do I achieve true happiness? Page 173." (The number 266 has no special meaning in the clue; it was used because it's the number of this goo.) more…
solved by: Denise Sawicki, Matthew Preston, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Lori Lancaster, Aaron Fischer, Kelly Stokes, Amir H. Sufyani, Andy Hubbartt, and Steve Elliser
trivia: Though many skeptics argue that the Church of Scientology is neither a religion nor scientific, Scott gave Hubbard the benefit of the doubt and listed him in both categories.
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