
These goos are from the Religion category, people famous for their religious service, or their connection to religion like theologians. Browse another way.

Adrian Rogers
The answer to this baptist leader's identity is worth finding. Go »
Aimee Semple McPherson
She was known for treating her parishioners squarely. Go »
Alessandro Farnese
It's fine if you have him confused with his grandfather, who became the third Pope Paul. It's also ok if you mistake him for his nephew, who was the governor of the Spanish Netherlands. But don't mix him up with an Italian cryptologist whose work has been misattributed to Blaise de Vigenère. Go »
Anton LaVey
When it comes to popes and magic... always bet on black. Go »
Arthur Blessitt
Some Christians are content to carry around a tiny cross hanging by their neck, but not this presidential preacher. Go »
Bartholomew I
Not even the Pope is this green. Go »
Billy Graham
This evangelical tar heel and crusader wasn't "crackers," nor did he own a goat, but he did make timely decisions. Go »
Cardinal Sin
He also claims he's not a follower of the previous goo, but his wicked name suggests otherwise. Go »
Charles Taze Russell
You might be shocked to learn that while he didn't found the Jehovah's Witnesses, they did copy his manner of studying the Bible. Go »
Creflo Dollar
He has plenty of reasons to ask for his own last name, such as a replacement for his private jet. Go »
David Miscavige
this auditor took on the IRS and won Go »
David Steindl-Rast
This OSB monk taught that within all religions there is a fire below. Go »
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Pacifism is noble, but sometimes even saints may resort to violence so that the coming generation shall continue to live. Go »
Francis of Assisi
This minor friar is the original environmentalist. Go »
Georg Gänswein
It's fair to say that this secretary is not guilty of the sin of vanity. Go »
Gerald Gardner
not a wicked witch, but sounds just like one Go »
Theos. Jehovah. Elohim. Allah. Father. Zeus. Yahweh. El Shaddai. I Am. (Inscribe it how ye will.) Go »
Hong Xiuquan
Heavenly visions can lead to great disasters, especially when you think you're God's other son. Go »
Janet Farrar
Someone had to undo all the damage from that nose-twitcher. Go »
Jesus Christ
There aren't any sins of His father, but He's still cross. Go »
Jim Bakker
This married televangelist raked in more than a million dollars a week during the 1980s, but went to prison for keeping some of it for himself (and his mistress Jessica). Go »
Joel Osteen
This televangelist and megapastor was criticized for not being more quick to help hurricane refugees in his native Houston, even though his name sounds a little like he's from Austin. Go »
Joseph Franklin Rutherford
Many thousands of households can bear witness to his door-to-door approach to religion. Go »
Joseph Smith
If you thought Mitt Romney's presidential bid ended badly, look up the one for this man, the founder of his religion. Go »
Judas Iscariot
He sealed his famous betrayal with a kiss. Go »
Kenneth Copeland
His televised sermons help his parishioners cope with fears like COVID-19, although he has been criticized for living a Texas-sized lifestyle on their donations. Go »
L. Ron Hubbard
What is the meaning of the goo game? Page 266. Go »
Martin Luther
His savior was nailed to a cross. His beliefs were nailed to a door. Go »
Mary Magdalene
She was Jesus's first witness post-resurrection. Today she's associated with the world's oldest profession. Go »
Maximilian Kolbe
Frankly, I can't think of a better path to sainthood than to volunteer your life in exchange for another in what was a difficult century. Go »
Michael McGivney
To preserve his flock, he founded an organization to protect families should the breadwinner die. Go »
We went from murdering missionaries to becoming church elder. Mysterious ways, indeed. Go »
This messenger of Mecca taught allegiance to one god and changed the world forever, peace be upon him. Go »
Muqtada al-Sadr
There's nothing sadder than increasing violence in Iraq. Go »
Pat Robertson
Who figured that the self-proclaimed voice of Christian America would call for assassination, natural disasters, and abortion? Go »
Peter J. Peters
Didn't you know Israel is full of Anglo-Saxons and Celts? Go »
Pope Benedict XVI
There is only one absolutely right answer for this German holy man. Go »
Pope Formosus
This pope's allegiances were so controversial that his enemies convened a trial and refused to move on even after he had. Go »
Pope Francis
The Vatican City doesn't seem so far away from Buenos Aires any more. Go »
Pope John Paul II
Is this goo Catholic? Go »
This sex-positive, anti-socialist guru spent decades influencing the culture of his native India, and also inspired a terrorist attack in Oregon. Go »
From Maharashtra to Oregon, this meditative leader taught his orange followers to reject the religious morality of Eastern and Western religions alike, and to live fully in the modern world as sexual beings, although he is not to be confused with a racist 2008 Mike Myers movie. Go »
Rick Warren
This pastor's warring over gay marriage could knock him out of his national saddle. Go »
The original god of teaching in one of the world’s oldest religions. He’s the first of 24. Or was he a car manufacturer? Go »
Robert Barron
This Chicagoan-turned-Angeleno is hoping to spark a flame and build an online media empire fairly and scrupulously. Go »
Saint Patrick
First a slave, then a scholar, then a snake banisher, then Ireland's most important saint. Go »
This prophet and king-maker who heard the call of God is venerated by the Abrahamic religions. Go »
Beelzebub. Samael. Azazil. Belial. Lucifer. Iblis. Mephistopheles. The Devil. Go »
Siddhārtha Gautama
If overeating and starving don't enlighten you as to the answer, try sitting under a tree for a while. Go »
Steve Gambill
International rock stars aren't known for ministry (including Ministry). Go »
T.D. Jakes
Don't loose the game by missing this genderous bishop. Go »
Thomas Becket
He had only a brief career as a Bishop in England, but since his 1170 assassination, he has become among the most venerated saints in the Catholic Church and Anglican Church. Go »
Thích Nhất Hạnh
He taught Buddhists how to engage and everyone how to be mindful. He fought for peace in life and now finds it in death. Go »
Warren Jeffs
This fundamentalist prophet was wanted in more ways than one: He reportedly has over 90 wives. Go »