Well the most exciting thing to report is I've developed a crush on a TV character. I think this is a pretty clear sign that I need a life. It's not even a remotely original or interesting choice (besides being behind the times) and I don't actually like bad boys dammit :P

Four Replies to Stupid stuff

Lori Lancaster | November 22, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | November 22, 2007
I left a pretty clear "hint" in obsessions. I haven't actually seen that season but I liked the picture...

Aaron Shurtleff | November 23, 2007
You're not a Slayer, are you? ;)

Well, you know, that's not so bad (if it's who I suspect it is). It isn't original, of course, but it is interesting (to me, at least)! The character, I think, is meant to be at least a little bit sympathetic. A little...the seasons all run together...

And, also, there's nothing wrong with having a crush on an animated character, either! :P

Denise Sawicki | November 24, 2007
Well glad I'm not the only one who has watched the show, anyhow :) It's not like I'd date the dude if he was real (and I was single) or anything but then again I don't have Slayer strength. I do find him sympathetic and think he deserves better treatment from Buffy. OK, and vice versa...

Prayer for the Paranoid

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New Camera

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