publication date: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (part of Round XXV)

category: Movies

clue: The last thing this action hero wants is to pick up old habits.

explanation: Willis had announced his intention to retire from the action movies he disdained to make, but studio contracts kept compelling him to star in more. The phrase "old habits" is a hint at his most famous series, the "Die Hard" films ("old habits die hard"). more…

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Matthew Preston, Denise Sawicki, Steve Dunn, Amy Austin, Aaron Shurtleff, David Mitzman, Elliot Farney, Jerry Mathis, Scott Horowitz, Megan Baxter, Aaron Fischer, Chris McKinnon, Mihai Rusu, Michael Paul Cote, Jackie Mason, E. M., Wendy Hampson, Christine Marie Doiron, Nadine Russell, Justin Hampson, Dave Stoppenhagen, Mike Miller, and Alexei Nikolaevich

trivia: Scott intentionally used the words last, action, and hero in the clue in the hopes some players might guess Arnold Schwarzenegger instead. None did.

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