Round XXV
Amy Austin won this round on June 14, 2005. There were 105 goos.
Players this round: Amy Austin (101 goos solved), Jerry Mathis (98 goos solved), Steve West (92 goos solved), Russ Wilhelm (90 goos solved), Megan Baxter (89 goos solved), Chris McKinnon (88 goos solved), Elliot Farney (88 goos solved), Mike Eberhart (87 goos solved), E. M. (85 goos solved), Denise Sawicki (81 goos solved), David Mitzman (75 goos solved), Steve Dunn (75 goos solved), Scott Horowitz (73 goos solved), Aaron Shurtleff (67 goos solved), Aaron Fischer (57 goos solved), Matthew Preston (57 goos solved), Jackie Mason (55 goos solved), Christine Marie Doiron (46 goos solved), Mihai Rusu (46 goos solved), Erik Bates (44 goos solved), Michael Paul Cote (44 goos solved), Lori Lancaster (43 goos solved), Lori S. (40 goos solved), Nadine Russell (38 goos solved), Wendy Hampson (37 goos solved), Anna Gregoline (33 goos solved), Jeff Ball (27 goos solved), Mike Miller (27 goos solved), Derrek White (26 goos solved), Anthony Lewis (25 goos solved), Kelly Stokes (25 goos solved), Marc Kelley (24 goos solved), Scott Smart (23 goos solved), Alexei Nikolaevich (13 goos solved), Dave Stoppenhagen (8 goos solved), John Pierpoint (7 goos solved), Derek Mueller (6 goos solved), Justin Hampson (6 goos solved), Savannah Maloney (6 goos solved), Brandie Harrison (5 goos solved), Bob Miller (4 goos solved), Dan Sinnott (4 goos solved), Steve Palmero (4 goos solved), Eric Brodsky (3 goos solved), Janiece Thill (3 goos solved), Scott Baumann (3 goos solved), Jason Charles Butterhoff (2 goos solved), Phyllis Joy (2 goos solved), and Zoran Sopcic (2 goos solved).

Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Governator might someday terminate the rule that says Austrian-born actor/bodybuilders can't become president. Go »
Gwen Stefani
Only guess this steady rock singer if you are certainly sure of the answer. Go »
Tyler Perry
If you were to read this playwright's diary, you might learn about his outspoken grandmother. (And no, he's not in Aerosmith.) Go »
Suze Orman
When it comes to personal finance, no woman (or man) gives better advice. Go »
Aishwarya Rai
This actress & model, often called the most beautiful woman in the world, might break down American prejudice toward Bollywood productions. Go »
Chris Rock
This comedian rocked the Oscars with his bigger & blacker material. Go »
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
This horror hostess built her career on wit, charm, and the biggest pumpkins in the business. Go »
Howard Hughes
This high-flying businessman and director once soared the skies, but eventually wouldn't leave his apartment. Go »
Will Wright
When this designer accepts his awards, I hope he thanks all the little people who got him where he is today. Go »
Beyoncé Knowles
Maybe it was destiny that this child of a music manager was tempted to become a singing sensation. Go »
Jill Ker Conway
This accomplished feminist educator came to Massachusetts by way of Australia. Go »
Pancho Villa
This hero of the Mexican revolution died an enemy of the States. Go »
Donald Trump
It's hard not to get fired up about this real estate mogul who treats business deals like an art. Go »
Woody Allen
This director has made an average of one film every year since the mid-seventies, most of them about himself. Go »
Dick Clark
This broadcasting super-producer is now America's oldest teenaged goo. Go »
Alicia Keys
If this Manhattan-born singer and musician keeps winning Grammys, would Mayor Bloomberg still give her a key to the city? Go »
Babe Ruth
This record-setting slugger turned Red Sox fans into crybabies. Go »
Bernhard Goetz
If you meet this guy in a darkened subway, whatever you do, don't try to rob him. Go »
If Doctor Octopus or the Green Goblin come to town, just call on your friendly neighborhood celebrity goo. Go »
Dan Rather
This newly-retired anchor had the courage to behave rather clownishly through his career. Go »
Courtney Love
No one courts controversy like this religious star. Go »
Lance Ito
This goo danced to fame presiding over the trial of the century, or at least the trial of 1995. Go »
Regina King
She's been married to Eddie Murphy, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Will Smith. Who's the king? Go »
Hideto Takarai
This angelic singer sees dreams with clear eyes. Go »
Fox Mulder
This FBI agent embodied the zeitgeist of the nineties, with his New Age credulity and his distrust of government. The answer is out there. Go »
Margaret Brown
This famous survivor was not really named Molly. Go »
Anna Quindlen
Besides making news every week, this novelist is a truly loud voice in liberal opinion. Go »
James Brown
This prolific singer and dancer feels good to be the hardest working goo in show business. Go »
Hermann Rorschach
This is the first celebrity goo for which your answer says more about you than about the celebrity. Go »
Heather O'Rourke
Maybe her film career, started by 301 himself, would have lasted longer if she hadn't been sucked into television. Go »
Bob Vila
This old goo is home again, restoring old abodes for public television. Go »
Señor Wences
Is it all right? It is all right. Go »
Kylie Minogue
A decade after her derailment in the early nineties, this Australian performer's career came back like a bad fever. Go »
The thong industry has never been so rocked by poor PR. Go »
Adolf Hitler
This German architect of death became one of the most reviled leaders in world history. Go »
Patty Hearst
This granddaughter became the world's most famous case of Stockholm syndrome. Go »
Amadou Diallo
Death met this West African on his doorstep one cold February morning. Go »
Mariah Carey
This emotional singer charms audiences by carrying tunes in up to eight octaves. Go »
Carl Bernstein
This reporter didn't just crash the gate of Washington corruption; he burned it down. Go »
Bella Abzug
This colorful New York politician is celebrated for her championing of Equal Rights for women. Go »
Jim Gilchrist
It only takes a minute to shoot an immigrant. Go »
Lil Jon
He and his boyz would like me to ask, "who's the king?" Unfortunately out on the east side, they're stuck asking "WHAT?" Go »
Clive Cussler
According to his lawsuit, the adapted screenplay for his new desert movie is the pitts. Go »
Lisa Marie Presley
If her father and her second husband were both kings, does that make her the princess of rock or the queen of pop? Go »
Jalal Talabani
Here's one member of the Talaban that the Bush administration can really get behind. Go »
Paula Abdul
When I try to explain how a dancer and choreographer is qualified to judge aspiring singers, I usually come up short. Go »
Monica Bellucci
This divine actress broke the language barrier to become a star outside her home country, but it doesn't hurt to keep doing those makeup ads. Go »
Napoléon Bonaparte
This French corporal crowned himself Emperor and remains one of the best military tacticians in European history. Go »
Brett Favre
His name might not be easy to pronounce, but whatever his victories, this Wisconsin quarterback has made the record books just by playing the game. Go »
Charles Van Doren
Please don't believe I've given anyone the answer in advance. Go »
Dr. Demento
This crazy-like-a-fox disc jockey turned his record collection into an eccentric playlist. Go »
Michael Moore
This opinionated filmmaker has generated moore controversy than the political and economic figures he profiles. Go »
Biz Markie
This DJ has made friends, but no more, with half the hip hop stars on the East Coast. Go »
Jim Hightower
From his lofty perch, this political essayist likes to criticize both the left and the right. Go »
Rachael Ray
If you can't guess this chef in the next half hour, get out of the kitchen. Go »
Bruce Willis
The last thing this action hero wants is to pick up old habits. Go »
Ruth Westheimer
With all due respect, a 4'7" septugenarian former sniper is the last thing I want in my bedroom. Go »
Christopher Columbus
I would have saved him to be goo #1492, but he was so impatient to "discover" this game and claim it for his homeland... Go »
Selena Quintanilla
Her young death was the shot heard 'round the Tejano music world. Go »
Janeane Garofalo
Nobody knows the truth about this bitingly funny woman: She hates herself. Go »
Aung San Suu Kyi
Only a general's daughter would have the courage to stand up to the military for the sake of peace. Go »
Andrew Lloyd Webber
It only takes a minute to shoot your lyricist. Go »
Hayao Miyazaki
This beloved animator followed in Walt's footsteps with spirited female protagonists and high-flying adventures. Go »
Britney Spears
Oops! I'd say she's a woman now. Go »
Michelle Malkin
You could call this xenophobic journalist as crazy as Dr. Demento for making television appearances. Go »
Lynndie England
Critics of the Iraq invasion say the incident would never have happened if certain problem soldiers had been kept on a tighter leash. Go »
Peter Borwein
If you can't cook up the solution in x minutes, don't come whining to me. Go »
Will Smith
This actor has battled alien invaders, killer robots, heavyweight champions, corrupt politicians, and Uncle Phil. Go »
Jennifer Wilbanks
If you can't figure out this goo's name, don't run away. It's not like you're marrying her. Go »
You can't touch this goo's rapid career rise (and fall). Go »
Bethany Hamilton
You could guess this goo correctly with one hand tied behind your back, but she couldn't. Go »
Béla Fleck
How many musicians can claim to have introduced the word "flecktones" into the English language? Go »
Friedrich Jürgenson
If you listen very closely, you just might hear the answer. Go »
Anna Ayala
After collecting tips from the public, police evidence now points to her being an attempted con artist who bit off more than she could chew. Go »
Regis Philbin
Who wants to be a winner? This is the host with the most (hours of television). Go »
Salma Hayek
This Mexican actress has been many things – a painter, a vampire, a muse – but she has never been Monica Bellucci. Go »
Bob Woodward
When you're co-authoring an investigation into presidential corruption, sources really come deep out of the woodwork. Go »
MC Hammer
You can't touch this goo's rapid career rise (and fall). Go »
Hamid Karzai
Amid turmoil, this Bush-approved politician became the first elected leader in his nation's history. Go »
Who says cloning isn't safe? Go »
Annika Sörenstam
Luckily, it doesn't take a champion player to know one. Go »
Diane Arbus
This portraitist depicted mutants as a class all their own. Go »
Karel Roden
This mad monk was born down to the underworld in a most absolute manner. Go »
Kristen Bell
Solving mysteries comes easy for this Martian. Go »
Candy Dulfer
The blessing of music royalty was what it took for this Dutch performer to bring her brand of "sexuality" to the world. Go »
Dave Chappelle
You'd have to be crazy not to recognize this star: He's not Rick James, bitch, but he plays him on TV. Go »
Josh Homme
This Eagles drummer sang us lullabies and mastered the desert. Go »
Billy Blanks
If you draw a blank trying to figure this one out, well, so will everyone else. Go »
Scott J. Horowitz
This mission commander kept his wits about him when visiting the International Space Station. Go »
Anthony Lewis
This Pulitzer-winning writer is one of the most liberal columnists at one of the most liberal major newspapers in the country. Go »
Daniel René
La indirecta que no te di para este modelo quién ahora canta es indecible. Go »
Jacki Botello
Confinement to a wheelchair hasn't stopped this veteran from competing in a variety of sports tournaments and being a role model for other paraplegic athletes. Go »
Chris Webber
This Detroit native overcame a college championship blunder to become one of Philly's star players. Who's the former King? Go »
John Edwards
This politician's trial-by-fire was last year's presidential campaign. Go »
Nadine Roussial
After getting her start in American black silk stockings, this actress tried Canada, France, German, and Spain before getting the erotic blues in Italy and retiring. Go »
Naoko Takeuchi
Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the strongest princess of them all? Go »
Zora Neale Hurston
Dis Floridiuhn goo's uhn inspiration fo' Alice Walkuh and Toni Mo'son and othuhs uh th' sort. Go »
Yael Dayan
This former Lieutenant and newspaper columnist has become something of a political renegade fighting for women's rights and gay rights. Go »
J. Edgar Hoover
There wouldn't have been such controversy over his fondness for women's undergarments if he hadn't made a career out of prying into Americans' privacy. Go »
Elliott Smith
This commonly-named musician either lived in a basement or made an eight-figure salary. Go »
Letizia Ortiz
Whether it be the nightly news or the prince of Spain, she's done it all. Go »
Rick Springfield
This goo wishes he had Becky. Go »
Hedir Antonio de Brito
He took on the Catholic Church from his wheelchair, though he probably can't count on his children to carry on his fight for him. Go »
Miyû Sawai
This little bunny brought about the apocalypse. Go »