Jerry Mathis

Jerry wrote 50 comments in these 50 discussions: Grid Strategy, Today's Goo, Music (0541), Music (0558), Music (0558), Music (0558), Music (0571), Music (0571), Music (0571), Music (0571), Music (0571), Music (0571), Music (0571), Goo 0582, Goo 0582, Coincidence?, Coincidence?, (0586), Music (0571), Evolution of One, 0622, 636, Phantom (Menace) of the Goo, Missing the Goo Game??, New Year, New Round, New Rules, Happy Birthday, Amy, Eating Your Paste, Goo 0721, 0767, (0781), Congratulations to Mr. Farney, Congratulations to Mr. Farney,, Check This Out!!! What Do the Other Goo Game Players Think?, I Strenuously Object..., I Strenuously Object..., Damn You, Goo Game, Damn You, Goo Game, Hung Out to Dry, Disk Golf, Disk Golf, I'm #14!!, The Sopranos, The Sopranos, The Sopranos, Cultural Blind Spots, Cultural Blind Spots, Round XXX Tournament, Round XXXI Tournament, and Round XXXII Tournament.