
These goos are from the Piracy category, people famous for acts of piracy on the high seas, classical or contemporary. Browse another way.

Anne Bonny
It's pretty hard not to be a pirate when your lover is the captain. Go »
Bartholomew Roberts
The last great pirate of the Golden Age of Piracy was also its most accomplished, stopping only to honor the Sabbath. Go »
Benjamin Hornigold
A milliner, a milliner, my booty for a milliner! Go »
If you don't know the nickname of this hirsute pirate, you better learn it from someone fast. Go »
History's most famous pirate terrorized the Caribbean with Queen Anne's Revenge and history's most famous beard. Go »
For players who were recently confused about which legendary (and legendarily concerned with appearances) pirate was which, gold was not the new black. Go »
Ching Shih
In the early 1800s, as many as 80,000 pirates on the South China Sea may have reported to this mistress of marauding. Go »
This Caribbean pirate was a little bit devilish. Go »
Francis Drake
Better the Spaniards think he was a dragon than a mere duck. Go »
Grace O'Malley
pirate grandmother Go »
Henry Morgan
Got a little of this goo in you? Go »
Henry Morgan
The admiral of England's royal navy is more associated with rum than any other pirate, especially here. Go »
Jack Rackham
The pirate who popularized the Jolly Roger was liked by the men (and two famous women) in his crew. Go »
Long John Silver
If you wanted to open a fast-food restaurant named for this fictional pirate, copyright lawyers would say that you don't have a leg to stand on. Go »