
These goos are from the Comics category, people famous for their work in comic books and comic strips. Browse another way.

Alan Moore
All together, this writer is responsible for a league of extraordinary watchmen with a vendetta from hell. Go »
Ali Farzat
During a civil war, they broke his body but not his spirit. Go »
Alison Bechdel
People who only know her 3-step test for cinematic gender equality will have to watch out for her genius comics about LGBT life. Go »
Bill Amend
His long-running family comic strip teaches real physics by way of the bespectacled youngest son and helps radio operators spell the letter F. Go »
Bill Watterson
His decade (1985-1995) of drawing a mischievous six-year-old boy, and his stuffed tiger who came to imaginary life, was considered too short by many fans. Go »
Bob Kane
This artist co-created a very popular vigilante based on a flying mammal. Go »
Brian Michael Bendis
Oh, your comic book character has super powers? Big deal. This guy has the ultimate power. Go »
Post-feminism means chocolate addiction and complaining about work? Go »
Charles Burns
This cartoonist is well regarded for his use of black when drawing a hole. Go »
Charles M. Schulz
Good grief! To anyone who dismisses his comic strip as childish, I say "nuts." Go »
Frank Miller
Gotham City and Sin City have 300 things in common Go »
Garry Trudeau
Life goes on for this Bush-bashing cartoonist after winning a Reuben, a Pulitzer, and almost an Oscar. Go »
Gary Larson
This amateur biologist, married to an anthropologist, drew inspiration from science and nature to drive his out-there comic for fifteen years. Go »
Hank Ketcham
His mischievous son was the namesake and inspiration for his world-renowned comic strip. Go »
Harry Lampert
His work with his most famous creation was over in a flash, but I guess that's how the cards fall. Go »
Harvey Pekar
Cleveland came alive in his splendid works. Go »
Transforming European art over sixty years must have been quite an adventure. Go »
Jack 'King' Kirby
He was drawn to characters like Captain America, Hulk, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. Who's the king? Go »
Jack Kirby
He served in WWII just like his first popular superhero creation, but this artist is remembered better for his later service to Marvel in co-creating three of their most popular teams: The Avengers, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four, leaving the company in part due to resentment at Stan Lee hogging all of the credit. Go »
Jim Davis
His works include a western, some insects, and a tuber, but his most famous characters revolved around a cat. Go »
Jim Lee
This former best-selling Marvel artist mutated into the head of DC Comics. Go »
KC Green
He saw his creations about posterior phalli and inferno-imperiled canines become popular memes online, costing him money, and declared that this was not fine. Go »
Kaja Foglio
Combine her artistic and storytelling talent with her husband's and together they make a genius. Go »
Marjane Satrapi
Iran in black and white Go »
Mike Peters
His muses are his TV mother and fairy tales. Go »
Nathan W. Pyle
His planet is so strange that it's as if the inscrutable blue aliens are us. Go »
Professor X
This professor's original goal of educating his uncanny students soon mutated into a super battle for their civil rights. Go »
Robert Kirkman
His zombie-filled comics for Image and Marvel have inspired a successful transition to television. Go »
Robert Mankoff
New Yorkers wouldn't get their weekly dose of wit without this cartoonist wrangling the written words beneath them. Go »
Rube Goldberg
Technological inefficiency is the legacy of this rodent collector. Go »
Sarah Andersen
The doodles -- or are they scribbles? -- by this award-winning webcomic author often tackle subjects like adult responsibility, toxic masculinity, self-loathing, and cat logic. Go »
Scott Adams
This cartoonist and former engineer has been a big success at skewering big business. Go »
Sergio Aragonés
You'd think an artist known for getting lost and being temperamental wouldn't last long in the industry. Go »
In his Sopwith Camel, he redefines the term dogfighter. Go »
If Doctor Octopus or the Green Goblin come to town, just call on your friendly neighborhood celebrity goo. Go »
Stan Lee
He couldn't draw, but that didn't stop him from creating Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and many other classic superheroes. Go »
Stan Lee
Face front, True Believers! This copious creator of comic-book characters isn't here celebrate his cool centennial, so we'll have to cover it for him. 'Nuff said! Go »
The Joker
Why so serious? Go »
Todd McFarlane
This guy sure spawned some popular comic books. Go »
Todd McFarlane
His image of being an atheist reflects in his stories. No clowning around here! Go »
Tom King
His CIA work informed his novel about powerless superheroes in a world of terror, which in turn informs his comic book writing today. Who's the king? Go »
Doesn't this alien beauty get cold in that costume? Go »
Will Eisner
This spirited artist was so good that every year, his name is synonymous with greatness in the comics industry. Go »