
These goos are from the Health category, people famous for their work curing diseases and advancing well-being. Browse another way.

Albert Schweitzer
He was a physician, a philosopher, a teacher, a composer, and a humanitarian, but he never did learn to pilot the Mars Rover. Go »
Alois Alzheimer
This German scholar of brain disease never wrote his own book and couldn't get an audience to engage in his work, but he discovered and inspired the name of one of the modern world's most feared mental disorders among an aging population. Go »
Anthony Fauci
America's top infectious disease expect has his (frequently washed) hands full dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak, but he has plenty of government experience, having advised six presidents on HIV/AIDS and numerous other health crises. Go »
Arthur Agatston
This cardiologist may be from New York, but his famous diet is all Miami. Go »
Atul Gawande
This surgeon's notes and checklists have become best-selling books about what it's like to be mortal. Go »
Baby Fae
I ♥ baboons Go »
Ben Carson
The president is supposed to be smart, so Republicans might nominate an actual brain surgeon to do the job. Go »
Benjamin Spock
it's only logical that babies have special needs Go »
Caitlin Bernard
This Midwestern OB/GYN was pro-choice in her politics before the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, but it's the abortion that she provided to a notable anonymous Ohioan since then that has made her (in)famous. Go »
Carl Jung
youth in Asia Go »
Clara Barton
war + peace Go »
Clara Barton
Founder of the American branch of an international caregiving organization, this goo earned her angelic nickname by tirelessly tending to wounded soldiers. Go »
Clive Wearing
Mr. Memento Go »
Conrad Murray
This was it. Go »
David Vetter
born in a bubble Go »
Dean Ornish
How many other cardiologists and dietitians acknowledge a debt to a swami in their work? Go »
Deborah Birx
This army colonel has become one of America's most important and visible disease fighters, particularly when it comes to responding to the coronavirus. Go »
Dede Koswara
don't go out on a limb Go »
Deepak Chopra
The relationship between quantum mechanics and healing goes deeper than anyone thought. Go »
Denise Austin
This onetime gymnast, who married into a family of tennis pros, has long promoted getting fit with her daily workout. Go »
Donald Triplett
He didn't share a birthday with two siblings, but he did help advance our understanding of a neurodevelopmental disorder by becoming the literal first case. Go »
Drew Pinsky
loves to help people Go »
Drew Pinsky
What is the treatment for addiction to Celebrity Rehab? Go »
Esther Perel
The identity of this psychotherapist doesn't qualify as erotic intelligence, but you'll have to unlock it all the same if you want to solve this goo. Go »
Florence Nightingale
Rather than be caged by British social expectations, she flew free and revolutionized the role of the nurse. Go »
Frédérick Leboyer
Why do newborns cry when smacked? It's probably the most violent pain they've ever experienced in their lives. Go »
George Tiller
He died early for waiting too late to kill early. Go »
Harold Bornstein
Being the private physician of a world leader must have been exciting while it lasted, but a lot of jokes were born the day he reported that his patient's health was extraordinary and astonishingly excellent, and that he'd be the healthiest individual ever elected to this office. Go »
Helen Keller
If she were alive today, she wouldn't have to see OR hear Michael Jackson. Go »
Henry Gray
This might be a textbook example of the importance of a goo's anatomy. Go »
Henry Heimlich
Hopefully no one will get choked up at his funeral in a few days. Go »
Henry Molaison
did you forget already? Go »
Hermann Rorschach
This is the first celebrity goo for which your answer says more about you than about the celebrity. Go »
Jack Kevorkian
You'd think an easy goo would be helpful right now, but with this goo's assistance you won't survive the round. Go »
Jack LaLanne
This San Franciscan spoke often on the benefits of nutrition and exercise, keeping up his famous 2-hour daily workout routine until the day before he died at 96. Go »
Jake Steinfeld
Like big brother, you have to watch carefully if you want a body by a sitcom star. Go »
Jean-Dominique Bauby
Think you can spell out your guess by blinking one eye? Go »
Jennifer Haller
If this Seattle mom develops any symptoms on her way to helping to eliminate the coronavirus outbreak, she'll be sure to give a holler. Go »
Jillian Michaels
A loss over this goo could be your biggest. Go »
John "Dropkick" Murphy
His wrestling career gave him his violent nickname, but this medical doctor spent much of his life devoted to helping alcoholics at his Massachusetts facility, who needed a place to get sober before rehab existed. Go »
John Braxton Hicks
This doctor might be a good doctor for a woman if she has false labor pains while pregnant. Go »
Jonas Salk
This biochemistry goo could give your score a real shot in the arm, but don't sulk if you don't get it. Go »
Joseph Merrick
He is not an Animals goo! Go »
Judy Trunnell
American fears of a porcine pandemic went into overdrive when we lost one of our own. Go »
Jules Cotard
Most doctors you go see before you're dead. Go »
Kenzo Kase
This chiropractor may not have taped all of the sessions but may have stretched the truth and cracked a few joints while working. Go »
Li Wenliang
You can't arrest your way out of a pandemic, as Chinese police have discovered since this doctor paid the ultimate price for his work. Go »
Lorenzo Odone
The oil invented by his parents kept him alive for 24 years beyond his fatal diagnosis. Go »
Lucky Meisenheimer
If you were bitten by a zombie, you'd need an appointment (stat) with this dermatologist. Go »
Mary Mallon
She must have been the most popular cook in New York City, because people were dying to taste her cooking. Go »
Mary Martha Reid
She could have lived a life of luxury as the wife of a governor, but when her son enlisted to fight, she became a nurse and a legend in her Southern state. Go »
Mehmet Oz
This Emmy-winning doctor is associated with an exotic fantasy land, and I don't mean Turkey. Go »
Patch Adams
who said the butt can't heal the body? Go »
Randy Pausch
If you were dying and had one final speech to give your students, what would you say? Go »
Richard Simmons
Has this round got you sweatin' to the end? Never say die(t). Go »
Robert Atkins
His eponymous diet, now a brand continuing in his name since his 2003 death, helped countless people drop the pounds by dropping the carbohydrates. Go »
Robert Liston
Without anesthesia, this Scottish doctor not only didn't save the patient but killed three people in the attempt. Go »
Robert Rey
Few plastic surgeons are known by the zip code they work in, even if it's the famous zip code of Beverly Hills and they're reality TV stars. Go »
Ron Woodroof
Drug dealers aren't supposed to use their own supply, but maybe things are different in Dallas. Go »
Rudy Santos
multiple man Go »
Samir Mehta
This surgeon is flexible about teaching others what he knows. Go »
Samuel Mudd
Is saving countless lives grounds for a pardon? Go »
Sandra Lee
The answer might pop into your head if you can think beyond the surface of this Internet and TV star. Go »
Sandra Lindsay
A week ago, this nurse was first in line and became the envy of hundreds of millions of her fellow Americans. Go »
Sanjay Gupta
If a Pandemic broke out, this doctor would give us all updates on CNN. Go »
Serene Branson
Lady Antebellum left her speechless Go »
Sigmund Freud
Deep down, you have always known the answer. (Hint: It's not your mother.) Go »
Terri Schiavo
If you draw a blank trying to figure this one out, well, so would she. Go »
Thomas Eric Duncan
This Liberian driver became America's patient zero in the current ebola outbreak. Go »
Timothy Ray Brown
This Berlin patient used to be HIV positive, and now he's not. Go »
Tony Horton
The creator of P90X would have no trouble keeping up with the Wii Fit trainer. Go »