
These goos are from the Controversy category, people famous for their involvement in scandals and other forms of notoriety. Browse another way.

Aaron Burr
If you offer this goo $10 he will shoot you down, but only in a manner in which a gentleman would. Don't eat a peanut butter sandwich before guessing at this one. Go »
Abraham Zapruder
When this Dallas businessman brought his camera to watch a presidential motorcade, he unintentionally filmed one of the most important 26 seconds of footage in American history. Go »
Afton Burton
Knowing that a heinous criminal can marry this goo might send you on a killing spree. Go »
Alberto Cutié
I'm too sexy for my cassock Go »
Alec Smith
Diabetics may have more access to insulin thanks to the mother of this young man who made a tragic mistake with his own, thanks to insufficient medical insurance and a meager restaurant paycheck. Go »
Alison Ettel
Solving goos without a permit can get you a visit from the police if this alliterative Internet meme gets her way. Go »
Allan Lichtman
This born New Yorker ran for a Congressional seat in 2006, and just like a psychic, he has predicted presidential elections for 32 years, even Donald Trump. Go »
Ammon Bundy
Like father, like son: This rancher's standoff in Oregon might be only getting started. Go »
Amy Chua
If her title was honest, her children would lick themselves and sleep 20 hours a day. Go »
Andrew Martinez
Some people get naked so they can rile up their campus (UC Berkeley), go on talk shows (Sally Jessy Raphael), and wind up in magazines (Playgirl and Playboy). But this guy apparently just liked being naked. Go »
Andrew Wakefield
who knew that one little prick could do so much damage? Go »
Andy Hallinan
He'll sell a t-shirt about shooting Muslims, but he won't sell it to Muslims. Go »
Andy King
His reputation as one of Hollywood's best event planners went up in smoke after he was willing to take one for the team that failed to organize a music festival. Who's the king? Go »
Angela Stanton-King
She shares QAnon conspiracy theories, was pardoned by Trump after a stint in federal prison, and ran to represent Atlanta in Congress. Who's the king? Go »
Angeles Duran
legally liable for global warming, according to Al Gore Go »
Anita Hill
This lawyer took her allegations of supreme sexual harassment all the way to Capitol Hill. Go »
Annegret Raunigk
Having seventeen kids is abnormal. Having four kids who will graduate high school when you're in your eighties is beyond that. Go »
Anthony Ruelas
Saving a fellow student brought the reward of suspension for this Texas teen. Go »
Ashley Dupré
She went wild before high school ended, pursuing a singing career and even getting a call from a governor. Go »
Bahtiyar Duysak
Lots of people don't care for Donald Trump's tweeting. Only one person was in a position to do something about it. Go »
Barnaby Swinburn
This child prodigy, with an IQ two points higher than Albert Einstein, wanted a cryptocurrency portfolio for Christmas. He plans to attend Oxford and has already started looking at courses. Go »
Bart Sibrel
His claims that Buzz Aldrin's feet didn't make contact with the Moon led Buzz Aldrin's fist to make contact with his face. Go »
Beka Gillis
Guests might not have shown up to her original party because they had visions of being bored, but Tiktok gave her a chance to try again in the new year. Go »
Belle Delphine
For someone whose name means like a dolphin, she generated a lot of controversy this summer about whether or not she really was in water. Go »
Bernard Law
Boston outlaw Go »
Bethany Hamilton
You could guess this goo correctly with one hand tied behind your back, but she couldn't. Go »
Blake Lemoine
This engineer went from "Terminator" to terminated in a debate over the eleventh Greek letter. Go »
Brad Birkenmeier
When he got a chance to fulfill his lifelong dream of being in the major leagues, the first thing he did was go home and do somersaults. Go »
Braden Wallake
This CEO may have been a little too revealing about his feelings in his Social media post about laying off staff. Go »
Brady Sluder
If he gets corona, he gets corona. Go »
Bree Newsome
When history doesn't dispense with old symbols fast enough, sometimes you have to climb a flagpole and do it yourself. Go »
Brenda Leyland
It's understandable to hate a married couple who you think murdered their daughter in Portugal. Hating them up to 50 times a day seems excessive. Go »
Brent Greer
When his city fined him for needing a fresh coat of paint, he chose the colors red, white, and blue. Go »
Brittany Maynard
Her movement to commit suicide was her decision. The family may have backed the decision, even if it was on the 29th hour. Go »
This UK feline is always at Morrison's place. Go »
The most famous pop singer's most famous pet has outlived more than the controversy surrounding him. Go »
Capri Anderson
some stars have a skeleton in the closet; Charlie Sheen has a porn star in the bathroom Go »
Caroline Calloway
This self-acknowledged scam artist makes fans wonder what she and her ghost writer were like before their public falling out. Go »
Caster Semenya
Usually a runner is scrutinized about what fuels their legs, not what's between them. Go »
Cathy Smith
She sang backup for Hoyt Axton, got high and pregnant with The Band, and had a volatile affair with Gordon Lightfoot, but she didn't make a fatal mistake until she went to John Belushi's hotel room. Go »
Zimbabwe takes no pride in the hunting of this feline celebrity by a Minnesotan dentist. Go »
Cecilia Giménez
Praying, she's good at. Painting, not so much. Go »
Charles Delavan
Another Clinton email scandal: One typo by this IT staffer may have changed the course of world affairs. Go »
Chen Fuchao
Oh my! Don't fall to the ground and hit your chin. This goo might need a helping hand getting down. Go »
Chickie Donohue
Sometimes guys just want to cheer up their buddies by bringing them beer, even if they're halfway around the world serving in a war zone in 1968. Go »
Chris McCandless
Whether he was a heroic explorer in an American rugged-individualist tradition, or a fool who got himself killed through insufficient supplies and underestimating Alaska's harsh natural conditions, when it came to controversy, he didn't miss the bus. Go »
Christine Blasey Ford
It's hard to be blasé about sexual assault, especially when the accused is about to join the highest court in the land. Go »
Christine Keeler
This woman's XXX-rated scandal taught politicians that if they're going to have sex with a stranger, they should make sure she's not also sleeping with the enemy. Go »
Christopher Koyanagi
This Splash Mountain Cupid eschewed traditional peak moment photos and instead proposed. Go »
Cliven Bundy
After twenty years of legal battles, this defiant Nevadan is tired of the federal government treating its citizens like cattle. Go »
Constance McMillen
broken promises Go »
Courtney Wilson
If you want to marry on land, get permission, unlike this groom who staged a wedding at a stranger's Florida mansion without realizing that someone was home. Go »
Damion Green
Serving on the city council of a small Pacific Northwest town doesn't involve advanced math, but first you have to add one just to get there. Go »
Dan Schneider
Behind the scenes, he was all that: Writer, producer, and showrunner on a series of hit shows and movies for NIckelodeon. But his former stars alleged his sexual misconduct, often while they were still underage, and this eventually proved victorious in ending his career. Go »
Dan T. Cathy
He got some very angry people to eat and kiss. Go »
David Dao
You may want to give up your seat or you will suffer a broken nose and get dragged off the plane. Go »
David Duke
When Louisianians voted him into office, did they consider his being a Grand Wizard of the KKK to be valuable work experience? Go »
David Johnson
This sports fan is known for heckling and riding Rory McIlroy after missing a putt. Go »
David Phillips
12,150 cups of pudding can make you famous around the world, and you can go anywhere to find out. Go »
David Slater
This British photographer's most famous photo is one that he never actually took. Go »
Dennis Hof
Not being a trashy reality TV star, not owning a brothel, not accusations of rape, and not even death itself would stop Nevadans from electing this man. Go »
Considering his possession of wings, it's a wonder that this bird wasn't able to fly. Go »
Donald Gould
After years on the streets, he may have wanted to sail away (or at least walk away on the water) from his coastal city with the outpouring of support that his viral video generated. Go »
Doug Ramsey
The jokes were beyond easy to write when this vegan executive tried an unusual meat source after a college football game. Go »
Edward Crawford
No need to feel weepy over this freedom-loving St. Louisan. He's all that and a bag of chips. Go »
Edward Snowden
He committed mutiny without a diploma, and now he seeks a form of diplomatic immunity. Go »
Elián González
He literally became the poster boy for Cuban political refugees. Go »
Elián González
once an "alien," now equal like everyone else Go »
Elián González
This turn-of-the-century Cuban refugee is not a boy any more. Go »
Emily Heaton
This Virginian 8-year-old has never been to the African country where she's a princess, and neither has anyone else. Go »
Ethan Lindenberger
There's no vaccine against misinformation, but once you reach a certain age, you can get any other vaccine you want, and tell Congress about it. Go »
Feisal Abdul Rauf
his community outreach proposal became ground zero for controversy Go »
Frank Carlucci
What did he do to destabilize central Africa? HBO was afraid to say. Go »
Frank Ricci
Fire doesn't care what color your skin is. Go »
Fred Phelps
This hatemonger isn't welcome in Lubbock. Go »
GG Allin
New York hasn't had any artist give more of himself to his admirers. Go »
George Santos
You're supposed to write your resume in the most flattering light. You're not supposed to invent most of your self-published biography whole-cloth, especially when the job you're seeking is in Congress. Go »
George Soros
He devoted most of his billions to an open society, only to be met by a hostile society that placed him at the center of numerous conspiracy theories. Go »
Gerald Foos
This hotelier's favorite songs could be the Police's "Every Breath You Take," Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me," and Kim Carnes's "Voyeur." Go »
Hank the Tank
Just because an animal is large, it doesn't mean he doesn't want kindness. Maybe this Lake Tahoe resident just wants a small smackerel of hunny. Go »
The 2016 shooting of this Cincinnatian inspired a lot of controversial opinions about the dangers of zoos, and even more memes. Go »
Harold Camping
apocalypse fail Go »
Heather Cho
Airline executives, especially those who got the job through nepotism, know: Sometimes you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don't. Go »
Hedir Antonio de Brito
He took on the Catholic Church from his wheelchair, though he probably can't count on his children to carry on his fight for him. Go »
Henry Louis Gates
Disorderly conduct probably happens a lot more in his civics classes now. Go »
Holly Maniatty
She's not dancing, she's working! Are you deaf? Go »
Horace Gray
You say "tomayto" and I say "tomahto." However pronounced, the ruling opinion of this Supreme Court justice says it's a vegetable. Go »
Isis Harambe Spjut
She's neither a jihadist militant group, nor a terminated zoo animal, but a piece of plastic says otherwise. Go »
Jack Thompson
Litigators love to argue, but this one has bullied rap music and video games for years with anything but modest proposals. Go »
Jaimee Grubbs
Anybody who thinks that this scandal is about just one cocktail waitress can't see the forest for the trees. Go »
James Damore
Search online for a diversity memo and it won't take long to realize why this (former) engineer stirred up controversy. Go »
James Zadroga
New York's finest served their city in its hour of need, but it took ten years to give thanks in his name Go »
Jeff Ma
Does MIT teach a class in cheating at blackjack? Go »
Jennifer Wilbanks
If you can't figure out this goo's name, don't run away. It's not like you're marrying her. Go »
Jenny McCarthy
From model, to pin-up girl, to actress, to comedian, to author, to activist, she's determined to be more than just a pretty face. Go »
Jeremiah Wright
For a presidential candidate, there's no right way to distance yourself from offensive remarks by your pastor. Go »
Jeremy Meeks
This Californian felon didn't mug for the camera while being shot by police, but his handsome mug has shot up in popularity across the Internet. Go »
Jermaine Fuller
Not even the d-o-double-g could save this lover of childhood sandwiches. Go »
Jill Kelley
The pen proved mightier than the sword for this Tampa woman. Go »
Jim Logan
Hey Bub, they can claim what they want about my prop work, but this ain't no water gate or gamer gate. Go »
Jocelyn Wildenstein
Tabloids have dubbed this New Yorker "Catwoman" after her extensive plastic surgeries designed to resemble a big cat. Go »
Joe Exotic
Who's the tiger king, asks a hit Netflix series about this animal-breeding, TV-starring, presidency-seeking, murder-plotting Oklahoman. Go »
Joe Jackson
He was a controversial player, but not for swinging Black Betsy without wearing proper footwear. Go »
Joseph Merrick
Londoners couldn't stop talking about the elephant in the room. Go »
Joshua Fry Speed
He was a politician himself, at one point serving in Kentucky's House of Representatives, but today he's remembered for the speculation that he might have been more than roommates with a future president in Springfield, Illinois. Go »
Judith Regan
If this publisher had not gone so far to court controversy, we might have found out how O.J. would have done it (if he had done it). Go »
Judy Mikovits
Even in the midst of a pandemic, one little prick can still do so much damage. Go »
Katelyn Nicole Davis
This young girl committed suicide by hanging on Facebook Live after allegedly being abused by a relative in Georgia. Go »
Khizr Khan
A father's love for his deceased son (and the constitution) trumped other speakers at a recent convention. Go »
Kim Davis
If gay couples want to continue to protest this county clerk in Kentucky for not issuing them marriage licenses, they'll have to do it outside of jail. Go »
Kim Kardashian
She has followed her best friend into sex tapes and tabloid overexposure, but will she follow her into prison? Go »
Kim Kardashian
Fortunately, she and her famous beau did not give their daughter the initial K, or put together the family would have a hateful connotation. Go »
Kim Kardashian
This media personality and hip-hop wife, as well as her famous family, have had no trouble keeping up with changing trends since her sex tape and their reality show first brought them attention. They don't make mistakes. Go »
Kinky Friedman
Whatever kind of sex he likes, this asshole from El Paso could take his rabble-rousing all the way to the governor's mansion. Go »
Kourtney Kardashian
The oldest sister in her famous family is no less controversial than her siblings, from bad acting and failed relationships to a recent engagement to a punk rocker. Go »
Krystyna Skarbek
madame espion Go »
Kurt Westergaard
Nobody expects a cartoon to inspire assassination attempts, but now this Westerner needs guards. Go »
Kyle Rittenhouse
This Illinoisan teenager was eventually acquitted by a jury on two charges of homicide after the worst day trip to Wisconsin ever. Go »
La Malinche
Traitor or slave? Mother or murderer? Cortés's courtesan and maligned malinchista remains among the most controversial figures in Mexican history. Go »
LaVar Ball
It takes some big balls to aggrandize yourself and your three sons as the expense of b-ball legends. Go »
Larry Craig
Tapping your foot is a crime if you're cruising, and it's a scandal if you're a senator. Go »
Lee Harvey Oswald
It's too bad this sharpshooter with three first names didn't live to hear the Dead Kennedys. Go »
Lindsey Stone
Some of the soldiers that she disrespected served in Iraq, which sounds like a synonym for her last name. Go »
Lisa McPherson
fell off the bridge to total freedom Go »
Lorena Bobbitt
She gave new meaning to the word dismemberment. Go »
Lynndie England
Critics of the Iraq invasion say the incident would never have happened if certain problem soldiers had been kept on a tighter leash. Go »
Mahlon Haines
Put your socks on if you're going to step foot in this guy's house. Go »
Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck
Being named for an inebriating plant and a celebrity-endorsed soft drink may have prepared her for a Ph.D. dissertation about the effect of unusual names on one's educational prospects. Go »
Mark Foley
To get an answer representative of this goo, take a page from Washington scandal history. Go »
Marvin Heemeyer
Suicide-by-armored-bulldozer-rampage is a novel way to express grievances with your city council. Go »
María Belén Chapur
Argentina is a long way from the Appalachian Trail. Go »
Matt Colvin
Tennessee's attorney general wants to sanitize the state of this price-gouger who tried to unload his brother's haul online. Go »
Maurice Clarett
I'd say this troubled youngster's life off the field has captured more headlines than his career on the field, but then he never had a career on the field. Go »
Megan Meier
her sudden absence left her MySpace friends hanging Go »
Melissa Catherine Smith-Means
Do you think you could stop this meanie from unleashing the beast while making a call? Go »
Merhan Karimi Nasseri
You think you've waited a long time for a flight... Go »
Michael Cohen
This leaky lawyer's presidential protection is formally finished. Go »
Michael Larson
This Ohioan served ice cream out of his truck until he had a special talent for memorizing patterns and won big bucks before he died in 1999 at his home in Apopka, Florida. Go »
Michelle Duggar
Overpopulation may be the biggest threat to mother nature. Go »
Mike Richards
Alex Trebek became a TV institution by hosting Jeopardy! for 37 years. The guy who lasted one week should prove somewhat easier to replace. Go »
Miles Hudson
Seattle has become a hellish place at night thanks to locals having to dodge the reckless driving of this Instagram user. Go »
Miles Scott
Saving San Francisco was easy for this pint-sized superhero, but the whole city saving him from a day of cancer treatment was the real act of heroism. Go »
Milo Yiannopoulos
The alt-right's enfant terrible was undone by actual children and what he said should be legal to do with them. Go »
Mimi Alford
Not many people get famous today for something they did in 1962. But when that act was carrying on an affair with the U.S. president, and they were 19 at the time, one could see why it was kept secret for so long. Go »
Monica Lewinsky
There's no more scandalous figure in recent history than the woman who did not have sexual relations with that man, Mr. Clinton. Go »
Muntadhar al-Zaidi
Don't start tossing articles of clothing if you can't solve this goo. Go »
Myka Stauffer
This family vlogger's little bundle of joy became a big bundle of public rage when she decided not to keep him. Go »
Nadia Popovici
This pre-med student spotted something more important than the action on the ice at a Seattle hockey game. Go »
Nadya Suleman
She gave us eight reasons to think she's the worst mother of 2009. Go »
Nadya Suleman
It wasn't the first six kids that made her notorious. It was the other eight. Go »
Nan Britton
She wasn't the first presidential mistress, but she was the first to write a tell-all book about it, although her daughter's DNA ultimately provided the final chapter. Go »
Nathan Phillips
This peace activist was at the center of a storm of controversy after he got some teens to turn their frowns upside down. Go »
Nathaniel Ayers
Two violin strings and a statue of Beethoven led to this musician's notoriety in a series of newspaper columns and a movie that changed his life. Go »
Nury Martinez
After nearly a decade of service to the city, her biggest contribution to Los Angeles might be exposing the racism that remains at the highest levels of power. Go »
Olivia Jade
This pretentious influencer got into a row online for acting the part of a rowing athlete while her actress mother illegally influenced USC to admit her under false pretenses. Go »
Omran Daqneesh
A boy in an ambulance might finally open the world's eyes to the suffering and misery in Syria. Go »
Owen Honors
unlikely to get an honorable discharge Go »
Paris Hilton
Hotel heiresses don't get much more sexy, foolish, or famous than this. Go »
Paris Hilton
heiress of five hundred thirty hotels Go »
Patricia Krentcil
"Tanned" and "banned" describe this obsessed New Jersey mother. Go »
Patrick De Nicola
If you want to make a splashy proposal, this groom knows the perfect mountain. Go »
Paul Horner
His fake news may have helped cause the biggest news event of 2016. The following year, he lost his life to a health epidemic that you might have heard about in the real news. Go »
Paula Goodspeed
She seemed to idolize 0517, but maybe she was mad at 1223, or just jealous of 0938, 1322, 0289, or 1168.1219, Go »
Peter F. Paul
This goo stole from Peter to pay Paul. Go »
Petra László
It's a hard trip fleeing Middle Eastern conflict for safety in central Europe, so you don't expect another one after you get there. Go »
Purvi Patel
Abortion or feticide? Buoyancy or stillbirth? Crime or injustice? Go »
R. Budd Dwyer
This keystone politician determined that he couldn't do the time. Go »
Randa Jarrar
Saying certain things over the years may or may not have made Barbara Bush a racist. But calling her a racist hours after her widely mourned death definitely makes this woman an asshole. Go »
Rebekah Jones
How many Floridians are dying of COVID-19? The state doesn't want this fired data scientist telling you differently than they do. Go »
Richard Phillips
After his rescue, he probably didn't want to ride Pirates of the Caribbean. Go »
Rielle Hunter
Maybe this is beating a dead horse, but how does running for president and tending to a sick wife leave any time for an affair? Go »
Rob Ford
Toronto's most scandalous mayor ended his tumultuous career in public service due to an illness other than alcohol and drug addiction. Go »
Rodney Ansell
Don't shed any false tears for this madman who may or may not have deserved his cinematic fame. Go »
Ron King
Using a likeness of Trayvon Martin for shooting practice makes you a target. Who's the king? Go »
Roosh V.
The Internet's most notorious misogynist has dating advice fit for kings. Go »
Saartjie Baartman
This ample-bodied woman didn't have the option of being coy. Go »
Sally Hemings
That a president had an affair with his wife's half-sister is the least controversial part of the story. Go »
Sally Hemings
After a half-dozen children, this slave was set free. Go »
Sandra Fluke
This Georgetown law student received a rare apology from Rush Limbaugh for personal attacks over her position on contraception funding. Go »
Sandra Laing
it does matter if you're black or white Go »
Saroo Brierley
Big cats have their own natural sense of navigation to get home. They don't really use Google Earth. Go »
Scot Halpin
For one night in 1973, this fan lived a rock & roll dream come true when he got to play almost a whole show with the band, even though if you mentioned him to most rock historians today, they'd ask, "Who?" Go »
Sexy Vegan
Dragged off the set of Dr. Phil by security guards. Arrested for sexually assaulting his dog online. Tattooing his new legal name onto his face and chest. Running for president in 2020 as the longest of long shots. This guy can't stop being different no matter how you judge him. Go »
Shannon Faulkner
Did she strike a blow for women's rights or against women's rights when she stormed the citadel in 1995? Go »
Shilpa Shetty
Mafia princesses shouldn't let white Westerners kiss them when big brother is watching. Go »
Shoji Morimoto
Doing nothing is no way to make a living or even to solve this goo, unless it is. Go »
Slobodan Milošević
Slobodan didn't get to be President by hating Albanians... Wait, yes he did. Go »
Steve Bartman
D'oh! This fan put the foul in foul ball. Go »
Steven Schwartz
In SpaceBalls, the hero was encouraged to "use the Schwartz!" The tool that this Manhattan attorney was caught using is almost as make-believe. Go »
Steven Slater
attitudes may have shifted during flight Go »
Stormy Daniels
Louisiana has so many storms, they're preparing to send one to Congress to represent them. Go »
Tamara Hoover
Earlier this year, she taught her students a lesson about art: Keep your naughty photos off of Flickr if you want to keep your job. Go »
Tara Reade
Her very serious allegation against a presidential candidate is as grim as the song American Pie, and has created a Sharknado of political controversy. Go »
Long before today's professional competitive eaters, this Frenchman made a freak-show living eating anything and everything, and briefly tried serving in the military as a courier by using his stomach. Go »
Ted Williams
famous baseball players aren't living on the street offering to pronounce things Go »
Teri Horton
Is art worth $5.00 or $50,000,000.00? Go »
Tessica Brown
When you want your hair to stay in place, choose your product carefully. Go »
Tom Cruz
Bragging on TikTok about evicting a single mother is a risky business, but one doesn't become a landlord without loving the color of money. Go »
Vaclav Pisvejc
This Czech artist goes to such criminal and violent lengths to be part of other people's art that you can't be sure that he didn't hack this website to insert himself into this goo. Go »
Valerie Plame
If you want to know the answer, go ask 0619. Go »
Virginia Oliver
After nearly a century of lobster fishing, this Mainer may have felt like she could handle any hazard of the job, but she probably didn't anticipate viral fame. Go »
Wallis Simpson
This domineering American became half of the royal we. Go »
Yanela Sanchez
This crying Honduran toddler became the poster child for suffering at the United States border. Go »
Yasser Arafat
This longtime Palestinian spokesman did what everyone least expected: Died peacefully in the hospital as an old man. Go »
Zachary Adam Chesser
some people just don't find South Park very funny Go »
Zack "Danger" Brown
That's a lot of potato salad. Go »